The Summer gets earlier and then Autumn starts sooner. The mornings are already with a slight chill, dew covered grass and that smell that Autumn brings, certainly doing my early morning dog walk – I can tell that Summer is coming to an end…
For weeks now I have been reminding myself I must pick some blackberries and I have finally been and filled a bag. Blackberries are so easy to freeze, turn into little black bullets if you spread them out on a baking sheet, then can grab for a pie, crumble or something equally comforting later on in the year. I really did miss the bumper collection in our local woods, you snooze you loose…

Mushrooms however I am still on the hunt for… and I do know a few places but still have to do my research when it comes to ‘foraging’.
Speaking to Will Devlin last week he was explaining he was a huge fan of using foraged ingredients in his menus at ‘No Fixed Abode’ but the problem is the location of the best ingredients are often the foragers secret and they wouldn’t want to share that important information.
Miles Irving lives in Canterbury and I will be looking in to some courses that he runs in Kent. What I like is the fact his definition of foraging is finding things you can make use off… and the comment that a lot of people are nervous of ‘wild foods’ but have probably been picking blackberries or chestnuts many times. Here is a video of Miles click here.
So I certainly don’t want to miss the ‘foraging’ season and I will be reading up now on where locally I can go and find some ‘secret’ ingredients that if you have in my mind ‘found, gathered, and prepared’ are going to taste even better… keep you posted…
