Thursday 16th June 2016 – Westerham Village Hall
Come and learn the secrets of Summer Entertaining, learning time-saving tips and some delicious new recipes using seasonal produce, with Jo Banks and Sally Boulton.
For the first section of the evening a few of the favourite canapé recipes will be demonstrated, followed by some tasting with a glass of wine. Then there will be time to roll up your sleeves and have a go with recipes like feta cheesecakes and parmesan shortbreads with pesto and sweet bites like rich chocolate tartlets and miniature ricotta and blueberry cakes.

This summers evening will be a wonderful mix of fun, food and flavours…. please come and join us!
Prior booking is required. Includes refreshments.
Date: Thursday 16th June 2016
Venue: Westerham Village Hall (TN16 1BG)
Time: 7.30pm-9.30pm
Cost: £40 per person (including everything you need)